Disturbance Arrives (Tamaphachus)

Try To Be Patient With The Events



After the sound of the collision was heard, the figure of Griffin ridden by Aldo and Ejh suddenly swayed uncontrollably.

They glided swiftly without the curly figure flapping its wings. And now their position is very close to the rock cliffs of Qotus Hill.

But the Griffin immediately tried hard to flap his wings again, even though his balance was still wobbly but the Griffin figure managed to avoid the rocks on the Qotus cliff.

Aldo and Ejh who were in that position could not breathe normally.

It turned out to be true. What Ejh felt, next time I'd better just listen to what he has to say. Because it turns out that he can know something bad that hasn't happened yet. Next time I have to do what he says. Aldo thought regretfully.

While on the other hand Ejh still can't calm himself down because you could say one of his weaknesses is his phobia of heights.