Ch 4

'Fuck, You are messing my hair.' Amelia cursed internally as Alex ruffled her hair with a smile.

"I am proud of your decision. Follow me."

Alex took Amelia to the royal gym of Williams House.

"If you want to become a warrior two things are the most essential. First, You have to break the limit of your body, and second, you have to pick a weapon and master it."

Alex said to Amelia as he referred to the weapons placed in a neat line. Amelia looked at the weapon carefully and even swung some weapons as a test. Finally, she chose a spear as her weapon.

"Why did you choose the spear as your weapon," Alex asked Amelia as he frowned.

"Well, I heard that spear is the strongest weapon and I like it," Amelia answered in a cute voice to not get scolded.

"That's why I call you dumb."- Alex

'You are the king of dumb people.' Amelia thought.

"Don't listen to fiction. There are not any strongest weapons. It all depends on your situation." Alex tried to explain.

"But it's true. It's even called 'King of Weapons'. You mean a weapon which is called 'King of Weapons' isn't strongest." Amelia argued back.

"A spear is strong and cheap to make but if it worked in any situation why would people make other weapons? One of its shortcomings is its length. Due to its length, it can't be used in a confined area." Alex sighed.


"Forgive me, my lord," Alex admitted defeat before Amelia could say anything.

"Your lord, Amelia Williams, has forgiven you."

Amelia played along.

"For using a spear you have to be fast. As you have to jab your opponent more than once. The spear moves consist of thrust, jab, slashing, long thrust, short thrust, etc." Alex told Amelia the names of basic spear moves.

"When are we going to learn these moves," Amelia asked excitedly.

"Luther, Find a spear master for Amelia."- Alex

"But you were going to teach me." - Amelia

"I can't as a spear is not my main weapon." - Alex

"If spear wasn't your main weapon then how dare you downplay spear."- Amelia

Seeing Amelia whose cheeks have gone red from anger Alex ran away, ruining the dignity he just made.


After making sure he fled successfully, Alex entered Anthony's quarters as he tidied himself to not ruin his image any further. Inside the room, The Grand Duke of the empire was buried in a pile of documents.

"Sir Alex is entering." The guard station es outside Anthony's room shouted.

"The bandits struck Arcadia village this time and killed 300 of our soldiers. What's your plan and when are you going to start it." Anthony asked Alex without even lifting his head.

"The army will head out in 3 days. You just have to permit my plan." Alex replied as he bowed.

"What do you need permission for?."

"Permission for taking a newly recruited batch of soldiers which include some nobles' son and prime minister's son."

Anthony who was nodding along at Alex's words froze as soon as he heard the prime minister's son.

"We can't give you permission for enlisting Noah's son. If he goes with you Luther will have a problem protecting both of you on the battlefield." Anthony shook his head firmly as he said that.

"Don't worry gramps, no danger will come towards him." Alex tried to reassure his grandfather.

"If you are taking along another Master level warrior then it's fine." - Anthony

"No, even commander Luther won't be going with us." - Alex

"That's impossible Alex. Without Luther, both of your lives will be in danger." Anthony shouted as he slammed his hand on the table causing it to split in half.

"But I am a high-level Master," Alex said calmly unaffected by his grandfather's angry outburst.

"We won't give you perm..." Anthony stopped speaking as Alex's words set in. 'You are a Master.' Anthony didn't know if he should laugh or cry. His grandson was telling him the world's biggest joke, as he was too young to be a Master.

"Alex, this is not the time to joke around. You are only 23 years old, too young to be a Master." Anthony took a deep breath as he tried to restrain his anger.

Alex sighed as he had expected this situation already. He took a deep breath and punched Anthony's face suddenly. The punch couldn't hit Anthony's face as he grabbed it instinctively just before the punch could land on his face.

Anthony didn't say anything to him and his loosened as he was too shocked. The punch thrown just now contained the power, speed, and aura of a Master level warrior.

"How dare he try to punch Your Majesty's face. Permit me, Your Majesty, I will cut off his hand." From the shadows, a voice whispered into Anthony's ears.

"Now that you believe me, don't worry about the prime minister's son, and please permit my plan," Alex said as he bowed.

'Gramps is really strong.' Alex thought as he rubbed his hand which had gone red.

"Your majesty, this rascal is not even asking for forgiveness. Please permit me to cut off his hand and tongue." The voice from the shadow whispered again.

"We will give you permission to take Noah's son" - Anthony.

"Your Majesty, let me punish him." - Voice from shadow.

"Thank you, Gramps. I will take my leave now." Alex said as he hurried to take his leave. When he tried to punch his grandfather's face, he felt uneasy the whole time.

"Your Majesty, he is leaving." - Shadow.

"Where do you think you are going," Anthony said as he stood up from his seat and slapped Alex's head hard.

"Looks like I have to discipline you first," Anthony said as he pulled Alex's ears. This was how Alex's discipline class started.


Amelia POV

Seeing my anger my brother ran away without telling me who was the spear master.

'I am not a demon lord. Why did you run away.' Amelia thought.

I looked toward Luther but he avoided eye contact which made this awkward situation more awkward.

"Sir Luther, will you take me towards my spear master," I asked Luther to run away from this awkward situation.

"Please come after me, Your Highness." Luther bowed politely as he started walking in the opposite direction of my brother.

"This is the place, Your Highness," Luther said as he pointed toward the residence of another royal family member.

"But this is the residence of another family member."

"Yes, this residence belongs to Highness Chelsey, your aunt. She is one of the top spear masters of the Itovan empire." Luther said to me.

Just as I was going to knock on the door, the door opened to reveal a young lady of my age with her blond hair in a ponytail standing there. She has foxy green eyes and beautiful tanned skin with an

"Who are you?" She asked with a smile but I was too distracted by her dimples which made her face look more angelic.

'Wait a minute, am I falling for a girl? No, it can't be I am straight.' I thought as I shook my head violently.

"She is your cousin Sara Williams." Luther's words left me shell-shocked.