Ch 5

Amelia POV

'I have a grandfather who lived in another world. This was something I accepted cause I knew that already from my mother but I didn't believe her at that time as she suffered from bipolar disease.

Now I have an aunt who is great with spears and she even has a daughter who looks like an angel. Seriously just where did they pop out from?

"She is my cousin." My beautiful cousin who popped out of nowhere frowned as soon as she heard that.

'My beautiful cousin don't frown so much if you frown too much your skin will develop wrinkles.' I thought as I looked at her. Even while frowning she still looked beautiful. Damn, that's so unfair.

"Forgive me for my rude behavior. It was a shock to see you suddenly in front of our home, my dear cousin." Sara apologized politely in a voice dripping with honey.

"It's fine, I got shocked after seeing your beautiful face too." Not to be outdone I replied in an equally sweet voice.

"Can I call you, Amelia?." After hearing my words she started blushing. I nodded absentmindedly as I was too mesmerized by the beauty of the garden.

"So you and your brother finally came back from your adventures, Amelia." She asked with a smile.

"Yeah, adventures... Adventures!" At first, I answered her absentmindedly but as soon as her words were set in my mind came back to their right place.

"Is something wrong?" She asked me worriedly shocked by the sudden change in my behavior.

"Nothing happened, everything is alright. Well, we came back from adventures as they were becoming less fun." I tried to answer as naturally as possible.

"What about aunt and uncle where are they and when will they be coming." Before I could think of an answer my aunt's voice came to my rescue.

"Who are you talking to, Sara." My aunt Chelsey asked as she exited her quarters.

My aunt Chelsey had long black hair and her skin was smooth like milk while her blue eyes shone like jewels. Her looks were certainly above average but she paled in comparison to her daughter. But to me, she looked like an angel.

My aunt looked at me standing just outside the quarter's door and chided Sara as she invited me inside,

"Why are you making Amelia wait outside? Come inside, Amelia."

After entering my aunt's quarters, the first thing I noticed was that her quarters were more luxurious than mine. Every object inside her quarters was finely made with gold while her chandelier was made of crystals.

"Tea." My aunt ordered her maids with a clap as she offered me a seat.

"You finally visited me." My aunt looked super excited to meet me. I hesitated to answer as I didn't want my angel to be disappointed.

"Do not feel burdened as I got too excited to see you. I know that you came to meet me for a work-related matter." She replied seemingly seeing through me.

"I came to learn spear-fighting techniques from you." I stood and bowed politely.

"What!?" My aunt exclaimed shocked by my words.

Hearing her shout I flinched as I started to have a bad feeling which came to reality after hearing Sara's next words.

"Mother cannot teach you the way of the spear as she will only pass it to her direct descendent."

As I was lamenting my bad luck, my aunt spoke while looking at Sara,

"It's my decision whether I teach someone or not. From now on try not to interfere in these decisions. Understood Sara."

She turned and smiled at me kindly while looking straight into my eyes, "Don't listen to her. I will teach you as you are my family too."

She stood up from her seat and started walking in the east direction. Suddenly she stopped and shouted, "Your spear practice starts right now."

After she said that she resumed her walking and I followed after her hurriedly.


After Anthony was satisfied with the discipline he gave to Alex, he kicked him out and closed the door. Alex flew out of the room while looking comical. As both of his ears were red and with his disheveled hair and clothes, he looked like a beggar.

"Huup...." The knight guarding Anthony's room hurriedly covered his mouth as he tried to control himself to not laugh at Alex's appearance.

"Such impudent behavior," Alex shouted as killing intent flashed in his eyes.

But before he or the guard could do anything

door of Anthony's room opened and a dagger came flying and pierced the spot close to Alex.

"You little shit, stop with your barbaric act," Anthony shouted furiously with his long black beard flying around.

"Your Majesty, calm yourself. You should not be saying such vile words." The shadow whispered in Anthony's ears.

Hearing his shadow words Anthony took a deep breath to calm his anger.

"You disrespected a member of the royal family. Your punishment will be decided by the head of palace guards. Now Leave." Anthony spoke in a frigid voice.

He took another deep breath as he tried to talk in a soft voice.

"Killing someone for such a small thing is not the way of a ruler. If you want to stay as the Earl of Uniyara, reflect on your behavior and become kind to your citizens."

After saying that Anthony walked back into his room and started searching his bookshelf. 5 minutes later, he came out of his room with an old book ' Way Of Ruler ' in his hand, "This book will teach you how to behave like a responsible ruler."

Alex looked at the old book whose cover was barely hanging by a thread blankly. Seeing his grandchild's blank stare Anthony shouted, " You are not an illiterate who can't read. So take this book with you and start preparing for your bandit expedition."

After Alex left his grandfather's quarters, he opened the book curiously. The book was filled with magical energy and consisted entirely of quotes and their meaning. The book's first quote was

"A kingdom's foundation is its people and then the king. With king's duty is to protect that foundation. When the rulers start to destroy this foundation for meager riches and arrogance the kingdom starts declining."

If Alex read or heard these words from another source he would not have felt anything. But due to the magical nature of the book, he started feeling guilty for showing killing intent on such a petty person.

After placing that book on his bookshelf Alex headed straight toward the office of palace guards to apologize. As he entered the office of palace guards he heard the muffled groan of pain coming from the punishing center.

"Stop," Alex shouted towards the punishers who were whipping the knight. The punishers didn't stop even after noticing his royal uniform. One of the punishers stepped forward after paying respect to Alex, he spoke

"Your Highness, we can't stop his punishment as the order to punish came straight from the Duke."

"I am not here to stop his punishment. I came here to apologize." Alex smiled as he continued, " Are you telling me to apologize while he is being whipped."

The punishers stopped whipping the knight after hearing his strange words. Alex satisfied headed straight toward the knight and apologized, "I am extremely sorry for such an unsightly sight of mine."

Meanwhile, the knight was confused as he couldn't understand the strange sight of the prince apologizing.