Departing The Floral Domain (Ch.155)

Askel stood before a floor length mirror, taking in his haggard appearance.

His hair had grown out much longer than he preferred it, Askel would always leave his hair just long enough to graze his shoulder.

Askel mostly wore it in a pony tail, but there were still times he would have it braided.

At this time, Askel's hair had grown beyond the limit he preferred and the trims were now uneven.

Askel's beard had also grown out, he could see clearly all that was wrong with his appearance but Askel could not find it in himself to care.

All Askel cared about at this time was his beloved mate, truly Zariah would be all Askel cared for for the rest of his days.

But at this time when Zariah's condition showed no improvements, Askel felt all the more devastated and helpless.

What mattered how he looked? If Askel had his way, he would sit right by Zariah's side and not move for even a moment till she regained consciousness.