
Lin Feng did not pursue the matter further. The matter of the fleshworm dire beast would be handled by the Chief Commander and other inhuman experts. He had not broken the genetic lock, so it was pointless to worry about these matters.

The most important thing for Lin Feng now was to break the genetic lock. After all, he only had a year left.

Lin Feng stayed in the hospital for three more days. Then, he insisted on being discharged despite the doctor's reluctance. The hospital also gave Lin Feng a thorough checkup. Apart from the strange illness, he did not have any other injuries, so he agreed to Lin Feng's request for discharge.

However, before he was discharged, Lin Feng wanted to visit Yu Shan. After all, he and Yu Shan had gone through life-or-death trials together, and formed a friendship between life and death.

Yu Shan's ward was not far from Lin Feng's. After asking the doctor about Yu Shan's ward, he packed up and rushed over immediately.