The Strongest Strike

Broken? The Astral Palm was broken?

Captain Xie had just spoken confidently, thinking that he had Lin Feng in his grasp. He had even passionately lectured about how Lin Feng had taken the wrong path to teach Lin Feng a lesson. However, in the blink of an eye, his Astral Palm had been broken.

Moreover, it was broken by pure physical strength, not Astral Power!

"No, there's something in his hand. Could it be a weapon?"

Captain Xie was very confused. He didn't think that any weapon could break his Astral Palm. It was completely condensed from Astral Power. Apart from strength more powerful than his Astral Palm, what else could it be broken by?

But if it wasn't a weapon, what was it? Innate ability?

Some martial artists might awaken multiple innate abilities after breaking the genetic lock. Although such martial artists were very rare, it was not entirely unheard of.