The Path of Martial Arts

Three days and three nights passed again. Lin Feng's speed of condensing Astral Power also became faster and faster. After three whole days, he condensed another 100 strands of Astral Power.

Added to the original 100 strands of Astral Power, the Astral Power in Lin Feng's body had reached a daunting 200 strands!

Moreover, the speed at which Lin Feng condensed Astral Power was still increasing. It increased from 30 strands per day to 40 strands per day. As the astral vortex around Lin Feng became more and more formidable, the speed at which he condensed Astral Power was still increasing.

Two hundred strands of Astral Power was already very formidable, but the key was that Lin Feng still did not feel that he had reached his limit. There was not even any sign of reaching his limit.