Light of Destruction

"Longbetham, what is the first civilization you keep mentioning?"

Lin Feng had a vague feeling that this first civilization seemed to make Longbetham very wary.

Longbetham was silent for a while. Finally, it said faintly, "I do not know what civilization the first civilization was, because when I came to your world, it was actually the end of the second civilization. The history of the first civilization was too long ago, and there seemed to be a gap between the first and second civilizations."

"However, there are some things left behind by the first civilization that are rather terrifying. After the second and third civilizations obtained them, the power they possessed exceeds your imagination. In short, if you encounter something from the first civilization, try your best to avoid it. With your current combat body, you are still unable to resist the relics left behind by the first civilization."