Genetic Fusion Technology

Lin Feng stood in front of the hall. Behind him was the giant robot, Guardian, which also had the combat power of a Sage. Many people even stole a glance at the guardian.

"You are the first batch of official members of the League of Guardians. I am very happy that there are 63 Metamorphic Realm martial artists in the first batch! You passed on the recruitment of the five major factions and chose the League of Guardians. This shows that you all agree with the purpose of our League of Guardians—to protect your loved ones, your friends, and everyone!"

"From today onwards, you will live in the headquarters. This place has the cultivation environment you need. Of course, there are also missions. Your current mission is to assist the armed robots and continue to clean up the area within a thousand miles of the headquarters. As long as there are dire beasts, clean them up immediately."