The Shock of the Guests

"Who's here to congratulate us? A distinguished guest of the Zhang family or the Bai family?"

"All the distinguished guests of the Zhang family are already here. On the other hand, I heard that the Bai family has close ties to the military. Could they be from the military?"

"Such a private airship appears to be the latest model of Deep Blue. Ordinary people can't buy it at all. The person who came must be of a distinguished status."

As the airship gradually landed in front of the hotel, everyone's gaze was focused on it. Bai Jing and Zhang Qiji were also curious. Who could it be?


The cabin door of the airship opened, and two figures flew out of it. Qu Chen held Lin Feng's hand and slowly landed on the ground.

"Zhang Qiji, what's wrong? Don't you recognize me?"

Lin Feng looked at Zhang Qiji's dumbfounded expression and smiled. He was the first to greet Zhang Qiji.