The Sea Emperor's Sincerity

"A large amount of life cores?"

The Sea Emperor's expression gradually turned solemn, and the atmosphere gradually froze.

Since the Sea Emperor was silent, it naturally meant that he understood the importance of the life core very well. He knew that this was a rare treasure.

"I can give you the life core! However, you must use the life core fragments here. Use as much as you can, even if you have to undergo four life transitions here. You absolutely must not take it outside!"

This was the Sea Emperor's condition.

Lin Feng pondered for a moment and said, "All right, I agree!"

The Sea Emperor nodded. Then, he heaved a long sigh and said, "These life core fragments are scattered all over the world. I suspect that even the Behemoth of Armageddon devoured many life core fragments. Master had also obtained life core fragments before, so he underwent five life transitions in the end.