Devouring Lifeform

"This feeling is really familiar…"

Lin Feng stopped the spaceship. He looked at the empty universe in front of him. Although it was empty in front of him, he had a feeling that something was amiss, but he could not put his finger on it.

"Cosmic map!"

Lin Feng immediately pulled up the cosmic map. Actually, he had already been feeling that something was amiss previously. After exiting of the spatial passage and along the way to Planet Noah, he had encountered very few planets.

They were either dead planets without any life fluctuations, or empty, leaving only cosmic dust.

Lin Feng had roughly checked the cosmic map back then. There should be quite a lot of planets around here. Although Planet Noah was the only planet with a civilization, there were many planets with life.

However, along the way, he had not seen many planets with life. He had not even seen more than a few planets. It was really quite peculiar.