Divine Ring

"What's going on?"

"Bombs. Someone is using bombs to blast open our passage. It's the people from the Black Dragon Cult. Quick, pick up your weapons and fight!"

The people in the basement immediately took action. Lan Tian escorted Linlin out of the room and realized that a large number of people from the Black Dragon Cult had surged in. They were holding guns and bombs as they slaughtered everyone in the basement in a frenzy.

"Lan Tian, protect Linlin and leave. Someone needs to make sacrifices, but it's definitely not the two of you. This world has already been corrupted by evil. The power of evil is very strong now. You must survive, because you are the only saviors!"

Elder Tu drew a long sword. Like a courageous warrior, he charged towards the countless men in black.


The courageous Elder Tu was blasted into pieces by a bomb from the Black Dragon Cult. The strong smell of blood filled the air, nauseating.