Stellar Particle Cannon!

"President, the Imperial Minister of War has already mobilized the Eleventh Fleet and is rushing to our Pall Chamber of Commerce. Moreover, the attitude of His Majesty is very forceful!"

The people of the Pall Chamber of Commerce were overjoyed. The empire had finally taken action. The people of the Pall Chamber of Commerce were naturally very confident in the Roya Empire. Forget about planetary lifeforms, even advanced planetary lifeforms would not dare to act presumptuously in the Roya Empire.

As long as the empire took action, what were mere planetary lifeforms worth?

"President, two hours are almost up."

"The Auricles have all been sent to the spaceship, right?"

"They have all been sent to the spaceship according to the other party's request."

"Very good, hand it over to the other party immediately. Looking at the time, the Eleventh Fleet should be arriving soon."