Capturing a Star

Grand Emperor Igneous's heart sank. It was not just because they failed to trap Lin Feng. More importantly, he had offended a Grand Emperor who had comprehended the Law of Space.

Such a Grand Emperor was the most difficult to deal with!

If Grand Emperor Igneous was not wrong, the Grand Emperor of Annihilation's Law of Space should have already reached the advanced level. The advanced planetary Law of Space was invincible in itself. It was useless no matter how many Grand Emperors surrounded and attacked him.

Unless space could be sealed, or there was a terrifying power that could destroy the combat body of the Grand Emperor of Annihilation in an instant, the Grand Emperor of Annihilation would be almost impossible to kill.

No one would want to provoke such a Grand Emperor, but Grand Emperor Igneous did. Moreover, they had formed a mortal feud. It was impossible for Lin Feng to forget the battle where they surrounded and attacked him.