Three Light-years

Lin Feng opened his mouth and swallowed this new substance containing rich Chaotic power in one gulp.


It was as if a bomb had detonated in Lin Feng's body with a bang. His combat body cells were all filled with power. It was abnormal energy, Chaotic power!

However, it did not feel out of place at all, and did not repel the cells in his body at all. A large amount of Chaotic Power filled Lin Feng's entire body. It felt as if he had returned to his mother's womb, warm and peaceful.

What kind of power was Chaotic Power?

In the past, Lin Feng had rarely come into contact with it. Even though he had devoured many new substances, the Chaotic power contained in them was actually not much. Now, this new substance contained dense Chaotic power that filled Lin Feng's entire body. Moreover, this was completely abnormal energy, but it was not rejected by his cells at all. Instead, it felt very intimate, like he had returned to his mother's womb.