Anti-law Divine Pearl

"Golden Flame Pearl!"

"Sky Sealing Hammer!"

"Spirit Slayer Sword!"

The three ancestors all used their own methods. They did not use their combat bodies to fight directly. What a joke. They only had a combat body of billions of kilometers in total. Even with the thousandfold enhancement of advanced Laws, it only barely approached a Grand Emperor's one-light-year combat body.

With such a combat body, even if the three of them joined forces, how could they be a match for Divine Sovereign Void Sky? With a single charge, the three ancestors would probably be crushed.

Hence, the three ancestors knew their advantage very well, and that was Origin Weapons!

The three Origin Weapons had clearly been refined by the three ancestors to an extremely powerful level. When used together, even Divine Sovereign Void Sky had no choice but to be cautious.

However, if the three ancestors had Origin Weapons, did Divine Sovereign Void Sky not?