Dismantle It!

Lin Feng was the real person in charge! The supervisor clearly realized this as well.

Lin Feng smiled and said calmly, "I'm here to find someone. His name is Divine Heart!"

The supervisor's expression changed slightly, but he quickly returned to normal. Then, he said in a low voice, "Sir, you're looking in the wrong place. Our Morrow Chamber of Commerce only sells things. We're not responsible for finding people!"

Lin Feng was unmoved, however. He continued as if he had not heard him, "He entered your Morrow Chamber of Commerce, but never came out again. Will you tell me where he went?"

Seeing Lin Feng's nonchalant attitude, the supervisor also felt a little angry. He said coldly, "I've already told you. Our Morrow Chamber of Commerce is only in charge of selling things. As for finding people, you've come to the wrong place!"

Lin Feng was unfazed. He stared at the supervisor with a faint smile.