Divine Heart, Get Out Here!

The headquarters of the Morrow Chamber of Commerce, one of the ten major chambers of commerce, was located on Planet Morrow.

Ten planets converged in this area, standing silently in the cosmos like a giant dragon.

The headquarters of the ten major chambers of commerce were not located on Planet Pelagios. After all, that was where the headquarters of the Pelagios Divine Palace was located. With Divine Venerable Pelagios presiding over it, if they moved to Planet Pelagios, the ten major chambers of commerce would definitely be restricted at every turn.

Hence, the ten major chambers of commerce established a separate area as their headquarters.

On the surface, the ten major chambers of commerce were in competition with each other, but in reality, when the ten major chambers of commerce faced major problems, they would unite against the outside force. They were close and distant at different turns, and their relationship was very complex.