White-Robed Fiend God!

"Sea Emperor, you've seen the contents of the memory crystal too?"

"I've seen it. I've already seen it. I've even seen it long before you appeared."

The Sea Emperor's words caused Lin Feng to fall silent. No wonder the Sea Emperor was in such despair back then, and did not hold much hope for Lin Feng.

Perhaps in the Sea Emperor's opinion, be it the Behemoth of Armageddon, the Spear of Destruction, or even the appearance of the ninth civilization, they were all under the control of that mysterious expert.

Everything was predestined. The Sea Emperor had even lost the will to resist.

"Why are you telling me now?"

Lin Feng asked in a low voice. He was extremely shocked. At his level, there were actually not many people or matters that could shock him so much.

However, the matter regarding his home planet was too shocking, because this involved his family, the place he had grown up, and his foundation—his home planet!