Help the Queen

Perfected Person Skyshroud was not the only one. Perfected Person Ethereous, Perfected Person Mountain Range and Perfected Person Red Garb all went all out.

Once the four Perfected Persons unleashed their full strength, how frightening would that be?

The Skyshroud Parasol began to spin. As it spun, the entire Queen City fell under attack. It was as if the world was spinning, and Queen City was about to be crushed into dust.

Obviously, Perfected Person Skyshroud no longer cared about everyone in the Queen City. He was determined to kill the queen, even if he had to kill everyone in the Queen City.

The queen also knew very well that her power came not only from the array of Queen City, but also from all the ordinary people in Queen City.

Once Queen City was destroyed and everyone died, she would be powerless to resist the four Perfected Persons.