The Shock and Fear of Perfected Lords!

Outside the Mystic Stone City, Lin Feng took the lead and flew into the void, with dozens of Perfected Lords following behind.

Many Perfected Lords were invited this time. Including Lin Feng, there were a total of 58 Perfected Lords.

There were definitely far more than 58 Perfected Lords in the entire Hallowed Beast Continent. However, it was already quite impressive that Perfected Lord Empyrean and Perfected Lord Mystic Stone had jointly invited so many Perfected Lords.

It could be considered a true grand event!

"What is Perfected Lord Lin trying to do?"

"Is it possible to eliminate so many Chaotic dire beasts alone?"

"Could he have some kind of Chaotic spirit treasure?"

Many Perfected Lords were very confused. Their interest was also piqued. They wanted to see how Lin Feng would deal with the countless Chaotic dire beasts. Even with a Chaotic spirit treasure, it was not that easy.