Battle at the River Bottom

"We're here!"

Perfected Lord Long suddenly stopped, causing Lin Feng to come to a sudden halt as well.

"Huh? This mountain range has such a rich Chaotic aura."

Lin Feng looked ahead. From afar, there was a vortex in the sky, surrounded by nine mountains. They seemed to form a natural array.

"Has no one from the Prime Sky Chamber of Commerce investigated a place with such obvious signs?"

Lin Feng was a little curious and confused. If there was really an ore vein here, it must have been mined by the people of the Prime Sky Chamber of Commerce. How could no one have discovered it?

"Heh, of course there's an ore vein here. Look, what's there?"

Perfected Lord Dragon smiled mysteriously. Lin Feng looked around. In the middle of the nine mountains was a huge open-pit mine. Some abandoned ores could be seen everywhere, and pits could even be seen.

"This place has already been mined?"

Lin Feng's expression changed abruptly.