Iridescent Spirit Flames


How fast was Lin Feng? It was not apparent in the Chaos, but in this Chaotic continent, he could arrive anywhere in the blink of an eye.

"Yes, this is the place!"

What Lin Feng saw was a cliff. A hazy mist filled the air. He could only see some birds and beasts, but he could not see any Chaotic spirit flames.

However, when Lin Feng scanned the cliff with his mental power, he was overjoyed. He quickly flew down the cliff.

There was actually an underground river at the foot of the cliff, but in the underground river was a wrinkled Chaotic beast. Its aura was also very powerful. It was a natural Chaotic dire beast.

It was even a peak Chaotic dire beast, only one step away from a Chaotic spirit beast. Although the other party was muddle-headed and had yet to develop sentience, it could still sense the huge threat from Lin Feng.

There was a crackling sound.