Times Have Changed. You Must Die Today!


A familiar, yet unfamiliar figure took a step out of space. Divine Emperor Onyx was immediately agitated. His entire body was trembling. His dignified air as a Divine Emperor had dissipated.

Lin Sheng was so excited that he could not speak. Despite being an esteemed Grand Emperor, tears flowed down his face as he muttered in a low voice, "Father, is it really you? You're back?"

"Sheng'er, I'm back!"

Lin Feng took a step forward and came beside Lin Sheng. This was his son, Lin Sheng. He was now a famous Grand Emperor in the universe, and the strongest person in the Supremacy family, Lin Feng's direct bloodline.

Lin Feng actually did not put much effort into raising his son. They had only met very few times. However, this did not stop Lin Sheng from worshiping Lin Feng, and had always aspired to catch up to Lin Feng.

However, no matter how hard Lin Sheng tried to catch up, he was far inferior to Lin Feng.