A Hundred Reincarnations, Annihilation of the Perfected Spirit!

"Chaotic Rule?"

Lin Feng shook his head. Facing the terrifying Chaotic Rule, the Lin clansmen of the Origin Universe were all very nervous. This was a Chaotic Perfected Lord, a supreme entity who grasped the Chaotic Rule. He was a major figure even in the Chaos.

Just this terrifying power alone could destroy even ten Origin Universes. He lived up to his reputation. Could the Supremacy, Lin Feng, resist it? Even if Lin Feng could personally kill a Perfected Deity, they had only heard of it. Without seeing it with their own eyes, no one could be completely at ease.

"Mere Chaotic Rule. Destroy!"

Lin Feng extended a fair hand. This fair hand instantly transformed into a huge palm that could hold up the sky, and grabbed towards Perfected Lord Nonuple Source hard.
