
"What? What powerful strength, but it seems to be missing a core."

Lin Feng was shocked. The other party's phantom made even Lin Feng's heart tremble. The phantom did not seem to be a true lifeform. Rather, it appeared to be condensed from some kind of rule. Lin Feng could tell at a glance that this was the other party's core.

It seemed like after being pulled into Lin Feng's internal universe, the other party also grew anxious. He was ready to fight with his life.

Lin Feng did not know what kind of lifeform Laguerre was, but the strength he had displayed was indeed comparable to a top-notch Perfected Deity. However, unlike the top-notch Perfected Deities in the Chaos, the other party seemed to be missing some kind of core.

Although he was strong, his strength was still a little lacking for what was needed to tear Lin Feng's internal universe apart.

"Could it be something similar to the Chaotic Rules?"