The Power of the Prime Realm!

Abyss King Andre was also known as the King of Deception in the Abyss. He was the most cunning and insidious Devil King. Back when the Celestial Devils invaded, the other four Kings of the Abyss all died in battle. Only Andre escaped into the Dark Domain with some of his subordinates, preserving some future hope for the Abyss. This was enough to show how sinister and cunning Andre was.

Andre had always hidden in the Dark Domain of Chaos, and he was very, very far away. He was so far that even Chaotic Hallowed Venerables might not be able to find him if they entered the Dark Domain of Chaos.

However, Andre commanded many devils and Abyssal monsters, which allowed him to always pinpoint the position of the Chaos. Thus, there was no risk of losing their way at all.

He was wary of the seven Hallowed Venerables of the Chaos. Through the attacks of the Abyssal monsters during this period of time, the devils gradually collected a lot of information about them.