The Hallowed Lord Is Still the Hallowed Lord!


Even though the figure standing in the holy city of Chaos was pale, and his hair was disheveled, his aura was still incomparably majestic. The phantom of the world behind him carried a surging and terrifying aura that intimidated people from looking directly at it.

"So much for being the Abyss King, Andre!"

Lin Feng's words echoed majestically throughout the holy city of Chaos.

It was blatant mockery, but at this moment, no one dared to respond.

Hallowed Lord. This was the voice of the Hallowed Lord. It was already unbelievable that the Hallowed Lord was still alive. But now, the Hallowed Lord was still mocking Devil King Andre.

For a moment, everyone felt as if a surge of passion was about to gush out of their hearts.