Universe Daemon and Greater Demon


Lin Feng was a little surprised. There was someone else in the Fire Cloud Cave?

The Fire Cloud Cave was not that big, but nor was it small. Lin Feng stopped cultivating and slowly walked towards the roars. He had mental power, and could explore every corner of the Fire Cloud Cave.

Soon, Lin Feng saw rolling magma in the Fire Cloud Cave.

That's right, magma. Fiery red magma surged continuously, emitting a terrifyingly scorching aura. The magma emitted fire-type spiritual aura.

"A volcano? No, it's not a volcano, but earth fire!"

Only then did Lin Feng realize that there was earth fire in the Fire Cloud Cave. It seemed to be confined by an array. Moreover, the array was rather sophisticated. It must have been set up by Golden Core Perfected Persons of the Fire Cloud Sect a long time ago.

Moreover, judging from the signs, more than one Golden Core Perfected Person had probably set it up.
