Mastery of Divine Technique!

In a quiet room, Holy Monk Zen Dragon, one of the only two Nascent Soul Immortals in the Immortal Land, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Warning from the heavenly principle?"

Zen Dragon looked at the sky in confusion. Just now, he had a sudden intuition that something was amiss. At his realm, a sudden intuition was definitely a warning from the heavenly principle.

"What exactly happened?"

Hence, Divine Venerable Zen Dragon began to divine. He was one of the two great Nascent Soul Immortals of the Immortal Land. With his compatibility with the heavenly principle, there was basically nothing he could not divine.

As expected, with this divination, he had some vague findings.

"Demons? The Demon King has appeared. And there seems to be more than one Demon King. According to the divination, these Demon Kings are about to wreak havoc in the world?"