Sent Flying with a Palm

"You mean, they're Netherworld lifeforms?"

"That's right, that's right. They're all Lords of the Netherworld, about equivalent to Abyssal Devils."

"Moreover, two Kings of the Netherworld are here?"

"Yes. The Netherworld and the Abyss were originally at odds, but these two Netherworld Kings came to the Chaos, and got along very well with Abyss King Andre. Currently, they have also joined forces."

Lin Feng's expression gradually darkened.

Two Netherworld Kings and one Abyssal King were equivalent to three Chaotic Hallowed Venerables. Though, without the enhancement of the Netherworld and the Abyss, in a protracted battle, these three ruler-level entities might not even be able to defeat one Chaotic Hallowed Venerable.