Wild Expansion, Sweeping Through the Gods!

"Asman, Herschel, for betraying me, you shall suffer in the purgatory!"

The God of Wildflame's face was ashen. He was the founder of a pantheon after all, and had founded the Wildflame Pantheon. He did not expect the gods under his command to betray him one after another. This was simply a huge humiliation.

If the other Intermediate Gods learned of this, there was no knowing how long he would be mocked by them.

Killing intent had already risen in the heart of the God of Wildfire towards Asman and Herschel. He wanted to kill the two gods completely, destroy every believer of the two gods, and make all traces of the two gods disappear from the world.

"God of Wildfire, your end is nigh. Only by believing in our god can you be free!"