Four Seasons Supremacies!

"The flow of time at 10,000 times is truly incredible. However, it's only been a year, but the consumption of the internal universe is already very large."

Lin Feng glanced at the situation in his internal universe. With the flow of time at 10,000 times, a year in the outside world was actually 10,000 years in the internal universe.

To lifeforms in the internal universe, this was a solid 10,000 years. Ten thousand years was enough for cultivators to become indomitable hegemons of a region.

Ordinary people might no longer have any descendants in 10,000 years.

In 10,000 years, there was no knowing how many events have occurred, including drastic changes. Great upheavals had occurred, and the world underwent a makeover. Heroes were born in every generation. It was simply too long.

Even in the Chaotic Civilization, the 3,000 Universe Daemons had actually become terrifying entities similar to Chaotic divine beasts.