Time to Make a Decision!


Ripples spread in all directions in the void.

Lin Feng flew out of the void. Then, he raised his arm immediately and looked at the spacetime imprint on his arm. As expected, the spacetime imprint appeared again, just like before.

Since there was no problem with the spacetime imprint, Lin Feng was relieved. Hence, he began to look around.

This was a cosmos. He was standing in the cosmos, and there were no other lifeforms or planets around. He sent his mental power out and finally saw inhabited planets and powerful civilizations.

"It's a universe-type world. It should still be dominated by technology. I can sense the world origin. There's no aura of the Celestial Devils. This is a world that hasn't been discovered by the Celestial Devils yet. Hmm, it's not too strong. In that case, there's no need to investigate anymore. After devouring it, I'll hurry and return to the war fortress."