Shocking the Celestial Devils!

The scene was silent. In the entire void, the mighty Celestial Devils did not even dare to breathe heavily. No Celestial Devil dared to use their secret techniques anymore. They all stared blankly at the gradually disappearing Celestial Devil's true form of Emperor Hellfire.

That was one of the nine great Emperors, a peak entity of the Black Ice Domain. How could he have fallen just like that? Even during the battle in the Black Ice Domain back then, not a single one of the nine great Emperors had fallen.

But now, Emperor Hellfire was casually crushed by Lin Feng in front of them. He was literally crushed and pulverized, almost without putting up any resistance.

This gap was simply despairing.

Lin Feng glanced at the thousands of Celestial Devils again. These Celestial Devils were all the forces serving Emperor Hellfire. In Lin Feng's eyes, they were all incomparably massive world origins and abundant energy.