170 Million Worlds!

In the chiliocosm domain corridor, a white-robed old man appeared. He emitted the aura of a Controller, and was not a Celestial Devil. However, the Indefinite Sect Master seemed to be expecting it, and was unsurprised.

The Indefinite Sect Master's eyes narrowed slightly. He sneered and said, "In terms of deviousness, Celestial Devils like us are inferior to you Controllers. Tsk tsk, you Controllers are all sanctimonious, but you're actually filled with evil schemes. Heh, you're a Two-star Supremacy among Controllers, yet you actually joined forces with a great demon like me to deal with another Controller. I wonder who's more sinister and cunning among us?"

The Indefinite Sect Master's tone was filled with disdain. The white-robed old man in front of him was the Two-star Supremacy, Supremacy Seven Treasures of the Opulent Lodge, who had fought with him for an incredibly long time to a stalemate!