Boundary Stones Everywhere!

"Let me see how many Boundary Stones there are."

Lin Feng also grew excited. It had been a long, long time since he had felt excited. Now, seeing so many Boundary Stones, how could he not be thrilled?

It had to be known that he had just arrived at this ancient battlefield.

Hence, Lin Feng continued to venture deeper and began to collect the Boundary Stones.

Along the way, this ancient battlefield did not disappoint Lin Feng. As he plundered along the way, the more he encountered rule storms, the deeper he wanted to venture. Often, the more chaotic the rules and the stronger the storm, the more Boundary Stones there would be, and the higher the quality.

Of course, if the rule storm was very fierce, it meant that there was a trace of danger, and the risk factor would become higher and higher. However, Lin Feng was a Two-star Supremacy, so this little amount of danger was not a big deal.

From 1,000, 3,000, 5,000, 8,000, 10,000…