Get All the Controllers to Help Me Find Boundary Stones!

Right now, the Epoch Alliance was in troubled times. No one was even issuing missions. If Lin Feng wanted to obtain more Boundary Stones, there was only one way, and that was to expand constantly.

However, once it expanded, it would definitely evoke a violent reaction from those medium chiliocosm factions. Lin Feng was not really invincible to the point where he could defeat everyone.

Moreover, even if he expanded the faction, how many Boundary Stones could he obtain? Ordinary Boundary Stones already didn't mean much to Lin Feng now.

What Lin Feng needed was high-quality Boundary Stones, One-star or even Two-star Boundary Stones.

It was impossible to obtain a Two-star Boundary Stone just by expanding his faction.

Hence, Lin Feng had always had an idea in his mind, and that was to make a deal! Or rather, he would be the one to purchase high-quality Boundary Stones.