Shocking the Yan Clan!

Yan Jun opened his eyes. Divine light flashed in his eyes, making even Yan San afraid to look at him directly. Just by looking straight at him, the aura on Yan Jun's body had surpassed Yan San in one fell swoop.

It had to be known that although Yan San could not be considered a peak Daeva, he was still a senior Daeva who had defeated many other Daevas. Moreover, Daevas with the Progenitor's bloodline were much stronger than Daevas with other bloodlines to begin with.

"The four Progenitor's bloodlines all broke through to become Daevas at the same time. Incredible, truly incredible."

However, Yan San was not too surprised. He only found it unbelievable. He knew that once Yan Jun broke through, he would reach a terrifying level.

The reason was very simple. Yan Jun had the bloodline of the four Progenitors!