Could Humans Possibly Possess Such Power?

In the Tona family headquarters on Planet Tona…

Everyone was watching the screen. That godly and terrifying "monster" had destroyed dozens or hundreds of planetary-level battleships with a single punch, while "Talin" himself was unscathed.

This scene made all the upper echelons of the Tona family shudder.

"Patriarch, did this Talin really mutate from the radiation of the Magical Core?"

"The power of the Magical Core is really incredible. An ordinary person actually possesses such terrifying power after being exposed to radiation. It is simply unbelievable."

"Those are hundreds of planetary-level battleships. They compose a huge fleet, yet they can't even damage the other party at all. Is this still a power that humans can possess? Even the Genetic Soldiers we're really studying, who surpass Level Nine Genetic Soldiers, aren't that powerful, right?"