Descending at the Scarlet Dojo!

"By the way, Chaos Chiliocosm Sovereign, you have to hurry up and receive the small chiliocosms of Chiliocosm Sovereign Scarlet and Chiliocosm Sovereign Irised Light. Otherwise, some accident might happen," Chiliocosm Sovereign Sky Heart hurriedly said.

"Some accident will happen if I delay? There's no hurry. The later, the better. If an accident really happens, it'll be a good thing. Then, I'll be justified in attacking the other hegemons!"

Lin Feng's words stunned Chiliocosm Sovereign Sky Heart. However, he quickly reacted. Indeed, Lin Feng should not be judged by common sense. Even though Chiliocosm Sovereign Sky Heart was also a Four-cataclysm hegemon, he absolutely could not treat other hegemons and Chiliocosm Sovereigns like nothing.

Perhaps this was the difference between him and the Chaos Chiliocosm Sovereign.