The Mysterious Troll!


Lin Feng stepped into the Troll Forbidden Zone. It was as if he had fallen into a quagmire all of a sudden. He felt a little restrained and unable to unleash his power. There was an invisible restraining force in all directions.


Lin Feng thought of the legends regarding the Troll Forbidden Zone.

The Troll Forbidden Zone was also one of the top ten forbidden zones in the medium chiliocosm, but this forbidden zone was a little different from the others. This forbidden zone had a legend about a terrifying creature called "Troll".

No one knew where the "Troll" came from. They only knew that whenever the Troll appeared, it had boundless strength and was incomparably massive, as if it could devour everything. Its stomach contained another world, and was almost comparable to countless small chiliocosms. Moreover, the spaces overlapped, and could completely "digest" all treasures and power.