The Ultimate Devil, An Ancestral Devil Reared in Captivity?

"Open!" Lin Feng shouted.

Immediately, the mysterious runes on the Suppressive Prison Monument seemed to be activated. The stele suddenly opened, revealing a pitch-black entrance.

A rich aura of small chiliocosm came from within.

"What? He opened the stele?"

"The aura of small chiliocosm origin. What a rich aura of small chiliocosm origin!"

"Damn it, how did he comprehend that stele? Does that mean we have no chance at all?"

The three Eight-cataclysm Chiliocosm Sovereigns' expressions were very dark when they saw that Lin Feng had really opened the stele. Their original goal was that stele, especially the mysteries of spacetime contained in that stele.

But from the looks of it, Lin Feng had gotten there first and completely comprehended the mysteries of the stele.