The Medium Chiliocosm Sovereigns Were Going All Out Too!

"What? They're already here?"

Including Chiliocosm Sovereign Xuanshang, all the Chiliocosm Sovereigns were shocked. They did not expect those void lifeforms to arrive so quickly. It seemed like they had really come prepared.

"You have to be careful of the holy relic of those void lifeforms. You absolutely have to be careful!" Chiliocosm Sovereign Xuanshang reminded in a low voice again.

This time, although his medium chiliocosm had been stabilized and stopped collapsing, it was impossible for him to recover in a short period of time. Hence, he did not have much combat power at all, and could not participate in this battle.

In a sense, the scheme of the Basta Divine Clan had already succeeded. They had successfully reduced the combat power in the medium chiliocosm by one advanced Voidwalker.