Great Light City!

Time passed quickly. Lin Feng had already stayed in the spaceship for a full ten years.

The void was vast and boundless. Ten years was nothing. Some people would spend centuries, thousands of years, or even longer just to travel.

Not everyone had the principle of spacetime and could warp spacetime. Even Voidwalkers could not warp in the void. However, Voidwalkers were very fast. Coupled with certain treasures, they could teleport over short distances.

It was just teleportation, not warping the void.

For example, an absolutely safe area near the medium chiliocosm was actually the furthest distance the three Medium Chiliocosm Sovereigns could teleport.

This way, no matter what happened, the three Medium Chiliocosm Sovereigns could arrive immediately to ensure the peace of the medium chiliocosm. However, warping space did not work in the void at all.