Origin Gate!

"By the way, Ruler Lin Feng, why are you visiting me?"

The two of them exchanged pleasantries and finally got to the point. The Great Ruler of the Light Clan also knew very well that it was impossible for an ultimate Voidwalker like Lin Feng to visit him for no reason. There must be a matter or trouble.

Lin Feng did not hesitate. He nodded and said, "One never visits unless they need something. I do have some minor requests that I hope the Great Ruler can help with."

"Oh? What is it? Ruler Lin Feng, please go ahead."

"It's about the Origin Gate. I'd like to know if the Origin Gate really exists."

Lin Feng enunciated each word clearly. His tone was very solemn, and his gaze was fixed on the Great Ruler of the Light Clan. One reason he came to roam the void was to increase his strength and train. There was also another more important matter, and that was to find the Origin Gate.