Uninvited Guests of the Great Light City!

The medium chiliocosm ushered in a new era, and this era was opened by Lin Feng. It was symbolized by the birth of over a hundred Medium Chiliocosm Sovereigns!

However, Lin Feng, who had opened the new era of the medium chiliocosm, specially found Chiliocosm Sovereign Mythical Tree and the other two Medium Chiliocosm Sovereigns to discuss a matter. He was preparing to leave the medium chiliocosm and return to the Great Light City.

After all, the stage of the medium chiliocosm was still too small. Lin Feng's stage still lay in the vast void.

"Your Majesties, you have already guarded the medium chiliocosm for many epochs, and have not even explored the void properly. Are you willing to follow me to the Great Light City this time?" Lin Feng asked directly.

"Go to the Great Light City? Of course we'd like to venture there. However, we're too weak. I'm afraid we won't be of much help to you."

Chiliocosm Sovereign Mythical Tree shook his head.