Metamorphosis of the Spacetime Prison!

Lin Feng's expression suddenly froze, and the smile on his face seemed to have stilled at once.

When he blasted with the five peak Origin supreme treasures, the force was indeed terrifying, and was not inferior at all to this powerful Origin Beast. In fact, he had indeed blasted off the huge claw of the Origin Beast.

However, the key was that the Origin Beast actually grew another claw in an instant. Its regenerative ability was astonishing.

Such a terrifying regenerative ability stunned Lin Feng. The next moment, the infuriated Origin Beast's massive body crushed towards Lin Feng. Its terrifying aura made even Lin Feng feel suffocated.

This was a truly powerful Origin Beast! Moreover, it was very exemplary, possessing unrivaled strength and astonishing restorative ability. It might be easy to defeat it, but very difficult to kill it.