Bitten Off More Than They Could Chew!

"How is this possible?"

"How can 20 spacetime sword auras not be able to take down this person?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Even a powerful Voidwalker would be severely injured or even killed by the spacetime sword auras if they're not careful. How can he be completely fine?"

The three Voidwalkers were indeed very surprised. Lin Feng was actually completely fine. This was too abnormal. They had paid a huge price to purchase a total of 20 spacetime sword auras. In reality, they already took Lin Feng very seriously.

They absolutely would not allow accidents to happen.

But now, even though they were sufficiently prepared, they only realized now that they had really bitten off more than they could chew. In fact, this target was so tough that it made them a little afraid.

The three Voidwalkers were shocked. As for Lin Feng? In reality, Lin Feng was also a little angry. He had almost felt the threat of death just now.